Welcome to the Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization!

There is a growing interest in eye tracking as a research method in many communities, including information visualization, scientific visualization, visual analytics, but also in human-computer interaction, applied perception, psychology, cognitive science, security, and mixed reality. Progress in hardware technology and the reduction of costs for eye tracking devices have made this analysis technique accessible to a large population of researchers. Recording the observer's gaze can reveal how dynamic graphical displays are visually accessed and which information are processed in real time. Nonetheless, standardized practices for technical implementations and data interpretation remain unresolved. With this Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS), we intend to build a community of eye tracking researchers within the visualization community, covering information visualization, scientific visualization, and visual analytics. We also aim to establish connections to related fields, in particular, in human-computer interaction, cognitive science, and psychology. This will promote a robust exchange of established practices and innovative use scenarios.

ETVIS 2015 will be held in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2015,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
October 25, 2015
Schedule is now available!

Professor Kenneth Holmqvist (Lund University) will be keynote speaker at ETVIS 2015! Go to the program to see more details.

ETVIS 2015 will be followed by the meetup ''Community Building for Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS)''.
October 25, 14.00-16.00 in room Salon 1.